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Catégorie : Actualités
3 août 2020
As we head into the last month of the summer, we''ve decided to launch a new tradition called the "Keystroke Featured Product of the Month". There is nothing new about this concept, except that we'll be centering all our marketing, promotions and free training webinars around each month's featured product, while offering a 25% off that product.
Catégorie : Actualités
10 juillet 2020
Si vous avez visité notre site Web récemment, www.keystroke.ca , vous avez sans doute remarqué quelques nouveaux caractères orange répartis sur la plupart des sliders de page d’accueil. Ces nouveaux caractères ont été présentés pour illustrer les caractéristiques des programmes et services que nous offrons, alors que nous passons de la promotion...
Catégorie : Général
30 juin 2020
As most of our customers know, the Keystroke Team is comprised of approximately 60% Canadians, 30% Americans, and about 10% International. This week is a special one for the North American staff in that there are separate statutory holidays for both Canada and the Unite States, July 1st (Canada Day) and July 3rd (Independence Day). On July 1st...
Catégorie : Modules complémentaires de Act!
29 juin 2020
Anyone in sales right now will acknowledge business leads are becoming increasingly scarce during this pandemic, which is why it’s more important than ever to convert what few leads there are, as quickly as possible. And while many may debate what constitutes a good lead or the best source for them, there is no disputing the fact that people...
Catégorie : Général
22 juin 2020
IntroductionBy default Act! Marketing Automation does not fully authenticate their email servers against your domain.  While this still allows for inbox placement for a great number of your recipients, it can make sending email to public domains like Yahoo, Google, or AOL difficult.  Those systems are constantly fighting against...
Catégorie : Technologie
17 juin 2020
PC Mag defines marketing automation as "the smarter and more powerful older sibling of email marketing. Marketing automation lets marketers plan extended customer interactions without requiring manual intervention.” The problem with this explanation is most Act! users already confess to using only a small portion of their CRM's...
Catégorie : Général
17 juin 2020
Des preuves récentes ont montré que les pandémies mondiales, les troubles civils et la chute de l’économie mondiale n’ont pas empêchée les fraudeurs de courriels d’un iota. Quiconque pensait naïvement que ces fraudeurs seraient influencés par une conscience a mal compris leur ennemi. Ces gens sont des criminels qui exploitent la vulnérabilités des...
Catégorie : Modules complémentaires de Act!
15 juin 2020
Act! users understand the power and simplicity of Opportunities for managing their sales pipeline, but most have had to use Microsoft Word or Excel to render their customer-facing quotes. Sure, the process is simple enough for these users, but most acknowledge it is slower, creates duplication of work, and doesn't track the quoting process well...
Catégorie : Technologie
12 juin 2020
When Billy Clark first joined Keystroke in late March of this year, we knew it was just a formality for him to become a MaaS Certified Consultant. He was, after all, one of the leading authorities in Act! Marketing Automation in the world, and the guy most Act! Consultants got escalated to for troubleshooting when he was with...
Catégorie : Open Mike
11 juin 2020
As the Co-Inventor of ACT!, the product that literally created the software category known as Contact Managers, and is the product that has been acknowledged as the catalyst that started the entire CRM industry, you might expect me to be pro-CRM. I’m not. As is the case with so many things in life, we as people are often more likely to point the...

Qui sommes-nous ?

Spécialistes dans les solutions CRM pour les petites et moyennes entreprises, à travers des services de conseils, de déploiement, d’hébergement, de support et de développement logiciel.

Keystroke est le revendeur #1 de Act! au monde depuis 1994. 


Nous contacter

Quebec   Équipe de Montréal
Sans Frais : 888.880.0449
Bureau : 514.666.7587

Toronto   500 Gordon Baker Rd.
Toronto, ON, M2H 3B4
Sans Frais : 800.857.0558
Bureau : 416.499.3090
Fax : 416.499.1090

Kitchener   250 Woolwich St. S.
Breslau, ON N0B 1M0
Sans Frais : 800.939.4737 Ext. 1
Bureau : 519.579.1408


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Du lundi au vendredi : 9h à 17h 
Samedi et dimanche: Fermé

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