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Calculez le coût d'hébergement
Act! avec Konfigurator

1. Hosting Tier

Which Act! database hosting type do you need? (Act! licensing sold separately)
Click here to compare our hosting plans.

2. Database Users

How many users do you have?

3. Number of Databases

How many databases do you need?
Base package includes 1 database, $120 per extra database per year.


4. Storage Size

How many total storage do you need, which includes all attachments?
Base package includes 10 GB (15 GB Ultimate), $60 per extra 4 GB.
If you need more than 50GB, please call us for special pricing.

5. Act! Licensing

Do you currently have Act! licensing you intend to use with hosting, or would you need to purchase that with this quotation?

6. Handheld Contact

How many users would need Act! on their mobile devices? ($79.95 per user per year)

7. Orange Care

Would you like to add OrangeCare support to assist you & your team with your setup, ongoing break/fix issues, and support for over one hundred 3rd party add-ons like (ie., Handheld Contact, Tables4act, and Act4outlook)? Cost is $120 $80 per user per year, and includes 30-minutes of combined support per user (ie. 3 users would equal up to 90-minutes of support per day). OrangeCare subscribers are eligible for "Subscription Plus".

Cost Breakdown

Total USD $ 0.00
Subsequent year (recurring) USD $ 0.00
Informations supplémentaires
Referred by:

Small Print:

  • all costs listed above are annual subscription costs. Discounted items renew at the normal list price unless indicated otherwise.
  • Increases in user quantity can be done during the course of your subscription. As the rate for these additional seat(s) will be prorated, we ask that you contact [email protected] for a precise quotation for your existing account. Decreases in user quantity can only be done at renewal.
  • any orders submitted based on invalid eligibility or inaccurate information are subject to cancellation.
  • Please review Keystroke refund policy HERE.

Qui sommes-nous ?

Spécialistes dans les solutions CRM pour les petites et moyennes entreprises, à travers des services de conseils, de déploiement, d’hébergement, de support et de développement logiciel.

Keystroke est le revendeur #1 de Act! au monde depuis 1994. 


Nous contacter

Quebec   Équipe de Montréal
Sans Frais : 888.880.0449
Bureau : 514.666.7587

Toronto   500 Gordon Baker Rd.
Toronto, ON, M2H 3B4
Sans Frais : 800.857.0558
Bureau : 416.499.3090
Fax : 416.499.1090

Kitchener   250 Woolwich St. S.
Breslau, ON N0B 1M0
Sans Frais : 800.939.4737 Ext. 1
Bureau : 519.579.1408


Effectuer un paiement en ligne


Du lundi au vendredi : 9h à 17h 
Samedi et dimanche: Fermé

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