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Businesswoman Watching Video ConferenceKeystroke is proud to announce a new training service available exclusively to our customers. Starting this April, we'll be hosting monthly 30-minute online classes designed to help people "act better" through short, targeted lessons hosted by one of our experienced trainers. The class subjects will change from month to month, and we're certainly open to suggestions.

The course selections are as follows:

    • Act Top 10 Tips (April 1st - 2PM EST)


    • Group Therapy: Organizing Contacts in Act (May 6th - 2PM EST)


    • Selling with Act: Tips for Sales Managers & Business Owners (June 3rd - 2PM EST)


    • Act Email Options: Outlook, Swiftpage and Act Email Marketing


    • Reports versus Groups and GIGO (Garbage In, Garbage Out)


    • Act Add-On Ideas

Format: 30-minute of class, 15-minute of Q&A

These classes will be available for only $14.95 to our customers - which is deliberately nominal to encourage participation, while still making it a priority to attend. What's more, these courses will be provided free of charge to all our ACT hosting, VIP, and Annual Support Customers.
We're hoping to build a library of videos all of our customers can enjoy, but for the next two years we intend to offer new topics we hope will be of interest.

The class schedule will be posted on our ONLINE BOOKING SYSTEM, and Keystroke customers can enroll in as many classes as they choose.

Qui sommes-nous ?

Spécialistes dans les solutions CRM pour les petites et moyennes entreprises, à travers des services de conseils, de déploiement, d’hébergement, de support et de développement logiciel.

Keystroke est le revendeur #1 de Act! au monde depuis 1994. 


Nous contacter

Quebec   Équipe de Montréal
Sans Frais : 888.880.0449
Bureau : 514.666.7587

Toronto   500 Gordon Baker Rd.
Toronto, ON, M2H 3B4
Sans Frais : 800.857.0558
Bureau : 416.499.3090
Fax : 416.499.1090

Kitchener   250 Woolwich St. S.
Breslau, ON N0B 1M0
Sans Frais : 800.939.4737 Ext. 1
Bureau : 519.579.1408


Effectuer un paiement en ligne


Du lundi au vendredi : 9h à 17h 
Samedi et dimanche: Fermé

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