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Growth ChartsWith personal tax season coming to a close in April and most business's Fiscal Years ending in January, many businesses are looking at their financial and cashflow plans to review how to limit tax liability and save money, both with HR and corporate taxes. While this seems counter-intuitive,  a CRM solution like ACT! software can reduce tax liability by managing workflow, tracking jobs and income and tracking employee/contractor costs.

Managing Workflow
ACT! integrates with a business's current calendar and workflow planning tools including Outlook and Gmail calendars and email. While workflow plans do not seem to be a major issue with taxes, much of your business's costs and income are managed through what you and your employees do with your time. Having a tracked record of time management regarding tasks and customers gives you an excellent way to increase efficiency and keep records against any tax audits. 

Tracking Jobs and Income
Your business grows through customers, and through the income that comes from them. Income tracking gives your company a solid base to plan corporate taxes, to meet your HR needs and to protect against audits. While it is well known that CRM software increases efficiency in sales teams and customer management, using ACT! software to track income within your workflow and customer management gives you additional tools for reducing tax liability and protecting against audits. 

Employee vs Contractor Costs
Many sales teams run independent contractors. Is your company tracking their activities, as well as other employees? A CRM system gives you knowledge of what your employees are doing and when they do it, regarding customers, sales, and customer service. HR is one of the largest costs an organization faces, and sales teams are usually one of the largest HR costs. To review the costs you are facing, and maintain accurate records differentiating employees and contractors, use ACT! CRM software.  

For more information about ACT! or other IT solutions for your record keeping needs, please contact us.

Qui sommes-nous ?

Spécialistes dans les solutions CRM pour les petites et moyennes entreprises, à travers des services de conseils, de déploiement, d’hébergement, de support et de développement logiciel.

Keystroke est le revendeur #1 de Act! au monde depuis 1994. 


Nous contacter

Quebec   Équipe de Montréal
Sans Frais : 888.880.0449
Bureau : 514.666.7587

Toronto   500 Gordon Baker Rd.
Toronto, ON, M2H 3B4
Sans Frais : 800.857.0558
Bureau : 416.499.3090
Fax : 416.499.1090

Kitchener   250 Woolwich St. S.
Breslau, ON N0B 1M0
Sans Frais : 800.939.4737 Ext. 1
Bureau : 519.579.1408


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