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Underscoring everything we do, everything we purpose, everything we achieve is the viewpoint and attitude with which they all spring. Despite the fact that some things ought to be, well, simply innately understood more often than not they aren’t. Confusing and unexplainable as that may be, it invites a reorientation to common sense fundamentals that we may know yet forget more often than we care to admit. So, kicking off this new year, and all of the potential that it contains, let’s start by focusing on what matters most both for our business as well as our personal lives, well-being and ultimate progress toward our achievable goals and dreams.

Perspective is a Choice
The images that we craft in our minds, both good and bad, often lead then to how we behave and what actions follow that portend them as well as validate them. In about as few words as could perhaps possibly be written to sum up the things that matter most they would be:

  • People matter
  • Words matter
  • Actions matter

Thus, how we choose to perceive each of these basis elements, these tenets that transcend time, is crucial to revisit. We do not live in, nor can we survive in, a vacuum. We stand with others. People, words, and actions are inextricably intertwined but the prime element and ultimate element of all of course is people. So let’s select a perspective to focus on that supports the importance of it - hosting.

Words themselves can convey different viewpoints and perspectives as the definition itself can vary based on the context. Hosting is one of them. In today’s hi-tech cloud-based world the immediate context might be to associate with operational and financial economies of scale. Fair enough. But when the supporting context is people, rather than commerce, it is completely different. Given the people context imagine the presumed positive image of what hosting conveys, and to further crystallize it let’s add a business dimension to it.

Hosting as in the sense of a networking event conjures up potential, gaiety, friendship, bonding, celebration, appreciation, meaningfulness, cherished moments and endless opportunities to name a few. Nothing happens, nor can happen, without people and networking is a means by which much can occur. Further, the type of people you both surround yourself with and who include you in their surroundings constitute one of your most valuable assets.

Their Perspective And Ways To Determine It
So, looking through this prism of imagining yourself to be a host and who you’ve invited, the potential connections made and the unlimited growth opportunities individually and company-wise that can result, the image of your own possibilities crystallize further still. Any host judges the success or failure of their efforts and events in many ways by the experience created for the guests – and their resultant perspective. So, start thinking of customers as guests, and the results you want to give them. Thinking of them in this fashion should lead you to seek and better understand the value of an even deeper regard for them such that you deliver an emotional experience. How is this done? It’s not too difficult, but it does have to be authentic. Here are some elements:

  • Putting them first and thinking like them along with seeing things from their perspective.
  • At all times demonstrating respect and courtesy.
  • Contributing some element, some form of, a personal touch with each customer encounter as you would any guest so regarded who you invited to your event.
  • Perhaps, just perhaps, you ought to look at your business not so much as a business but more as an event that they want to attend.
  • Your event “planners” (management) and more crucially your “staff” (customer support) are who and what can make or break the success or failure of whatever purpose (vision) you have for your company. In fact, customer support alone can catapult you into a league of your own far above your competition.
  • Lastly, strive to make each and every person genuinely feel a sense of his or her importance.

People matter. Craft a Relationship Statement for you and your business that goes beyond the predictable Mission Statement. If you can’t think of one, let me propose one for you: People Matter. We believe in the infinite potential of closer relationships.

Equipped with that, the only question remaining to then ask yourself and challenge your colleagues with is what are you going to do to effect that?


About Mike Muhney

Mike Muhney is the Co-Inventor of ACT!, and is a recognized expert in the domain of Relationships and Reputations having pioneered the entire Relationship Management and CRM global industry. Today Mike is a Keynote Professional Speaker sharing principle-based insights and inspiration helping people and businesses to achieve greater and stronger relevant relationships from which all livelihoods and success depends. Using his S.T.A.R. program he helps people and businesses understand how to achieve not only excellent but elite relationship connections and elevate their reputations that drive referrals and sustained customer loyalty.  Visit for further information. Mike can be reached at Cette adresse e-mail est protégée contre les robots spammeurs. Vous devez activer le JavaScript pour la visualiser..


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Spécialistes dans les solutions CRM pour les petites et moyennes entreprises, à travers des services de conseils, de déploiement, d’hébergement, de support et de développement logiciel.

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