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There are less than a couple of weeks before the end of 2018, and I wanted to reflect on what has been another year of change & growth for us at

While our team continued to grow, with over 33 staff spread across three countries, it has also stabilized as team leaders settled into their roles with greater comfort and command. Department heads like Michael Kadlub of Support and Matt Patterson of Sales emerged as leaders, as did Vic Krahn from our Kitchener office and Duane Anderson in Development. As you can tell from the picture above, it was great gathering them all together in Toronto for our recent annual Holiday bash.

We also stepped out of our comfort zone a bit, and branched out into new markets with the release of two new products - Project KickStart and that deliver simple, but powerful offline and online project management solutions respectively. This was a big step for us as we've previously only developed Act! addons, but with these two new products we've ventured into free standing applications in one of the most competitive software markets out there. Early feedback has been really encouraging.

Handheld Contact also had a turn around year, where in 2017 we had some challenges rewriting the IOS application, in 2018 we righted the ship and introduced many new features. The soon to be released 8.3 version for IOS includes contact pictures and mapping, that customers have long been requesting. The Android version with these same features will be released early in 2019.

Act! CRM naturally remains at the core of our business, and in this market we continued to solidify our leadership with a dominant share of the North American Act! market. As you might guess, the recent protexis licensing issue has put some strain on us as we work to upgrade & update the largest Act! customer base in the world, but we're making good progress. Thanks to everyone for their patience during this process.

On a personal note, my wife and I celebrated our tenth anniversary in France late this past summer, with our children luxuriating in the many Parisian amenities - most notably the Eiffel Tower, Louvre, and the river boat cruise where we were mooned by a bunch of college kids dancing Merengue. The kids are still smiling about that one.

So as we welcome the holiday season in the days ahead, a time of year we often celebrate family over work, we invite you take a moment to reflect on what this year has meant for you, and what changes lay ahead in the new year? Will next year represent growth or stability, offence or defense, or is your cheese about to be moved? Whatever the case, the future should never be feared, but embraced, as anyone receiving this email has demonstrated a willingness to invest in their success, and a capacity to act!. Let us know if we can help.

For us, the new year will be special as 2019 marks our Silver Anniversary, as Keystroke celebrates 25 years in business - founded in March 1994.

Wishing you all a Happy Holiday and a joyful New Year. Best wishes from your friends at


Ken Quigley
President & Founder

Qui sommes-nous ?

Spécialistes dans les solutions CRM pour les petites et moyennes entreprises, à travers des services de conseils, de déploiement, d’hébergement, de support et de développement logiciel.

Keystroke est le revendeur #1 de Act! au monde depuis 1994. 


Nous contacter

Quebec   Équipe de Montréal
Sans Frais : 888.880.0449
Bureau : 514.666.7587

Toronto   500 Gordon Baker Rd.
Toronto, ON, M2H 3B4
Sans Frais : 800.857.0558
Bureau : 416.499.3090
Fax : 416.499.1090

Kitchener   250 Woolwich St. S.
Breslau, ON N0B 1M0
Sans Frais : 800.939.4737 Ext. 1
Bureau : 519.579.1408


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