Google Oauth Error Messages: We are aware of an issue affecting a limited number of Act! users for which errors are generated when authenticating the Google Integration. These errors stem from security changes implemented by Google and only affect users who have not yet configured their Google sync. Existing Oauth keys and sync capabilities are unhindered.
We have experienced varying error messages that require different resolutions. These error messages and their resolutions include:
- “This app isn’t verified” – If you receive this message, you may click advanced and successfully complete authorization
- “Sign in with Google temporarily disabled for this app” – If you receive this notice, you must update to the latest version of the application. Your account no longer has access and you will not be able to sync.
- “Browser is not secure” – If you try to sign in and receive this error, please see KB
We will continue to provide updates as they become available. Please feel free to share any feedback you receive from customers or Google in the Community Forum.
Google Integration Update: As announced in earlier editions of News and Notes, Google would begin deactivating their Gmail integration functionality for Act! users on December 31, 2019. We have just received confirmation that this deactivation process has begun. As a result, when all deactivation is complete, Act! users with this integration will no longer be able to sync contacts, calendars or record histories to their Act! database. Customers on supported versions of Act! as of December 31, 2019 received a software update to address the issue.
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