As the Canadian Master Distributor of Act!, we're writing you today because an issue has been identified with Canadian installations of Act! v21 that can frustrate users ability to select dates when scheduling activities.
Issue: When scheduling an event, if you click in the date field and select a future date, it reverts back to the current day's date. You can manually type in the date fine and it will stick, but selecting from the mini calendar won't.
Workaround: As this issue only affects Canadian installations, the easy workaround is to change the regional settings in the Act.exe.config file from "EN-CA" to "EN-US". This change does not influence Canadian preferences, or convert Provinces to States.
We realise that most people are not comfortable making such config file changes, so we created the utility below to do it for you.
Before applying this patch, please check if your system is affected. Click the Meeting icon from the toolbar, and try to select a date from February. If the date selection sticks, you do not need to apply this patch, if it doesn't, you need to.
* Please note you MUST close Act! before running this utility.
We were hopeful that Update 6 for Act! v21, scheduled for release next week, would address this issue, but on Tuesday we learned this could not be confirmed. Please note this must be applied on all affected workstations.