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Act! Canadian Master VAR since 2015
Committed to delivering the highest return on your success investment
The Keystroke mission statement is simple - to inspire & support your success through quality software solutions. Yes, we have the biggest Act! sales, support, and development team in the world, but those achievments would be both hollow and short lived were it not for our customer's success and loyalty. Moreover, as the Canadian Master Distributor of Act!, we're committed to supporting our customers in both French and English to ensure they get the highest return on their CRM investment.
In addition to the many certifications listed in the badges above, we believe our commitment to your success is also reflected in the following list below (click each of the icons below to learn more):
The Keystroke Account Manager
The Keystroke Account Manager (KAM) application is the evolution of our Keystroke VIP Portal that provides our customers access to all their Act! subscription, software, and support contract details, with easy-to-use integrated renewal options. We know your busy, so we've also included a number of handy account management utilities & support tools to the KAM to help you Act! better, with less effort.
Needless to say, Keystroke is the only one developing Windows & mobile apps to ensure our customers have the best & easiest to use account management tools anywhere. Click the VIP Access icon above to learn more, or see it live at http://kam.kqc.ca.
Developing Solutions
We don't just build addons, we build solutions. If you need a bespoke solution for implementing Act! in your business, our team of developers can build customer portals, ERP/accounting integrations, or custom applications just for your teams unique needs.
And we have the most combined experience with WebAPI and SDK development anywhere, and can even incorporate our proprietary API called K-API to integrate your data when needed.
Orange Care & VIP Success Packages
Keystroke has the widest array of customer-centric support plans, including our "setup success commitment," on-time renewal discounts, online support contract renewal portal, and the largest and most experienced support team outside of Act!, with 12x5 support services in both English and French. We also implemented our own knowledgebase, FAQs, and online appointment booking service to ensure your success.
And those customers who bundle their Act! subscription with Orange Care, also get the following perks:
- Get Act4mail enhanced Outlook integration when you move to Act! Premium Cloud.
- Get a free subscription to Day-Minder
- Free Keystroke add-on upgrades during the uninterrupted OC subscription
- Discounts off select Keystroke add-ons
Graphic Design Services
Knowing the mechanics of Act! Marketing Automation is one thing, but having the design chops to make your emails pop off the screen is quite another thing. Keystroke is the ONLY Act! team to boast not one, but two professional graphic designers, and we offer template design services by subscription or one-off projects.
Keystroke also offers complete website services, as well, including web design & programming, hosting, SEO and SEM.
Free Keystroke Welcome Kit
Keystroke has built our exclusive "Welcome Kit" that is packed with productivity add-ons that are free to our customers.
These free utilities include our Koncatenator, Layout Switcher, OppHistory, Append to Field, Activity Reassigner, Qmail, User Activity Deleter, SQL Manager, Multi-Search, Oppdater, Group Launcher, and NavBar Customizer. You can get all these utilities wrapped together into one convenient installer by downloading it HERE.
The Keystroke Welcome Kit also includes several handy support plugins.
Free Birthday Gift Each Year
Each year Keystroke provides our customers with a free Act! add-on for their birthday. These apps range in price from $25-120 USD, and they can be redeemed using the Keystroke Account Manager or visiting kam.kqc.ca and logging in with your account number and email. There are no catches, it's just one more perk to working with the #1 Act! reseller in the world. Check for your email on your birthday!
Keystroke Koncierge Program
The Keystroke Koncierge program is a welcoming initiative of ours that includes free add-on software (our exclusive "Welcome Kit") to help you Act! better, a free database review, and free provisioning support from our success team. We also check-in with you through the course of your first year's subscription to ensure you're happy, and email you helpful "Did you know?" bulletins each month to ensure you're aware of all your options and entitlements.
Easy Bill Payments
Keystroke's online bill payment service is easy-to-use and accepts VISA, MC, AMEX, and PayPal in both USD and CAD to better serve our customers.
Many Charitable Causes
Keystroke donates to many good causes, but the one we feel most passionately about is feeding people. The rising cost of living has driven many people in Canada to seek help, and recent stats indicate one third of those at food banks are children.
Free Chat & Email Support
Keystroke offers free digital support to all our customers (inclusive of chat & email), as well as 5-minutes & it's free phone support (exclusive of remote assistance).
Keystroke Actcessories
Keystroke has developed the largest selection of Act! add-ons in the world, many of which are the highest selling Act! add-ons of all time, including Handheld Contact, Act4outlook, Tables4act, the Knowtifier, and Book2act, just to name a few. If you don't see what you need in our "Actcessory Market", we can make it!

Exclusive Online Utilities
Our development team is always working to provide our customers time & cost savings solutions to help them Act! better. In addition to our exclusive KAM, we've developed online pro-ration calculators, appointment setting services, foreign exchange calculators, online Act! quoting tool, support contract renewal portal, addon license renewal tools, knowledge base, and our main download site.

Other Keystroke Advantages
We have over 30 full-time employees spread across Canada and the United States, with offices in Toronto, Montreal, and Kitchener. We are an award winning Act! Certified Consultancy Team who understands that every organization is unique. We work with your company to identify business goals and objectives to craft an Act! implementation strategy that fits your business needs.
The following represent a short list of specific accomplishments of which only Keystroke can boast.

Canadian Master VAR
- Canadian Master VAR for Act! since 2015
- Exclusive Hosting provider for Canada
- Two Canadian offices (Toronto & Kitchener, Ontario)
- the exclusive French technical support provider for all Francophone Act! subscribers in North America
- manager of all Act! consultants in Canada, including their certification, renewals, and order processing
Database Hosting
- Exclusive Act! Hosting Provider for Canada, and member of the Hosting Provider Program (HPP).
Act! Add-ons
- Keystroke is the operator of the Act! Marketplace - the largest inventory of Act! addons anywhere, as well as our own Actcessory Market, featuring 100+ of our Keystroke add-ons, with more being added each season.
Business Partner Advisory Council (BPAC)
- Long time member of BPAC (Business Partner Advisory Council), the Executive Council for Swiftpage Act! Consultants
World's #1 Act! Reseller
- Nearly double the Act! subscribers of any other Act! reseller with over $3M in annual Act! sales.
- Keystroke comprises 10% of Swiftpage's worldwide sales
- Exclusive online Act! quoting system
- Industry leading sales quoting system allowing customers to view, edit, and accept our proposals online
- Solution selling with over one hundred add-on products
- One of the highest Act! subscription retention rates in the business
Our Bold Development Team
- seven full-time developers
- publishers of some of the most popular add-ons, including Handheld Contact, Act4outlook, and Tables4act, along with over one hundred other add-ons
- we manage the Act! Development Community and liaise with Swiftpage on SDK and WebAPI issues, as well as meeting with their dev team weekly regarding Act! Premium Plus - which Keystroke developed for them
MaaS Certified
- Keystroke is one of only a handful of MaaS Certified (Marketing as a Service) teams that are qualified to train, implement, troubleshoot, and Actcellerate your success with Marketing Automation. What's more, we're the only one with two graphic designers on staff to ensure your campaigns are eye-popping and built for growth.