Integrated Reporting with
Keystroke Dash
The new Dash v11 re-imagines Act! reporting
Keystroke Dash is the easy-to-use real-time dashboard reporting tool for Act! that is powerful and highly flexible. The new v11 has been completely rewritten for better performance, improved query builder, and pop-out Dash with auto-refresh.
Dash Personal allows you to view and analyze your own performance of key performance indicators (KPIs), activities, histories, products, notes and opportunities.
Dash centralizes all key sales information in one view. Manage ACT! interactively, analyze sales activities and results from a single customizable view and share powerful reports.
New Features of Dash v11
- Rewritten from VB to C# for faster and better memory management.
- Dash data can now be undocked and viewed in a separate window from Act, allowing for simultaneous use of Dash and Act!.
- Dash no longer relies on the problematic OLEDB Views, using the standard SQL tables
- Email a single dash report directly from that panel.
- Activities/Contacts reports that were broken by Act several versions ago, now work correctly with Dash 11
- Query Builder - The opportunity Status field can now be queried.
- Field selection in Query Builder now has Double Arrows, allowing users to move all fields from all entities at once.
- Query Builder now has dropdowns for open and close parenthesis.
- Printing to Excel now supports XLSX format, rather than just CSV format.
- Query Builder - Add and Delete buttons, for easier adding and deleting of query rows.
- All new icons across the program to modernize the user interface

Act! Reporting from within Act!
Prioritize sales activities. Assess sales performance. Predict sales results.
Dashboard Wizard
Quickly set up your dashboard parameters and filters using our Dashboard Wizard. Organize your dashboards in the folder structure by favorites, teams, business functions and more.
Customizable Views
Add any database fields or custom tables to your list views. Quickly save or reload your favorite dashboards. Copy or drag and drop dashboard panels and columns. Select different users for each panel. Move the legend as needed.
Contact, Calendar, and Activity Reports
Preview an editable contact layout by clicking on any lists of activities, opportunities, queries, histories, notes or products, as well as simultaneously view and edit multiple calendars.
For activities, create customized activity lists or drill-down pie or bar graphs.
Report Printing & Delivery
Print your favorite dashboard panels as a PDF and share with others. Create read-only dashboards. Email selected histories. use Keystroke Alerts to schedule delivery of any report to keep your team in the loop.
What's New Report
View the last synchronization, new contacts, histories, notes, opportunities and activities for each user.
Create customized opportunity lists or drill-down graphs, auto-calculate counts, gross margins, weighted totals and actual totals. Create follow-up activities directly from your pipeline report.
Custom Table Support
View and graph related custom tables side-by-side in the same view, e.g. projects, tickets and contracts.
Interactive Reports
Update the dashboard by selecting filters and sorting on the fly. Update multiple opportunities and activities simultaneously. Create look-ups from your notes, histories, activities, opportunities or custom tables.
Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)
View and filter your sales metrics on activities, histories or opportunities, e.g., number of calls, emails, quotes, new opportunities, win/lose ratio calculations and more.
Sum/total, filter, sort, & query data
Sum/total for any numeric or currency field in a list view. Also perform powerful query lists and corresponding graphical views. Easily create multiple-table queries with SQL statement auto-generation.
Filter and sort by any field in your database
Export to Microsoft Excel
Export activities, notes, histories, opportunities, contacts and KPI statistics to MS Excel format.
Why Keystroke Dash is right for Act! users
Work effectively
- Centralize and organize all key activities, opportunities, histories, notes, custom tables, companies and contacts in one view.
- Manage your database - realign territories and reschedule multiple activities or opportunities at once.
- Communicate faster by emailing one or more histories directly from the dashboard.
- Create follow-up activities from your pipeline list.
Analyze insightfully
- Compare, analyze and drill down on activities, histories, opportunities, custom tables, products and queries or graphs.
- Monitor and quantify sales performance with key performance indicator (KPI) statistics. Calculate sum and average.
- Create advanced KPIs off almost any field in your Act! database including custom fields. (Act! v16+)
- Easily create multiple-table queries with SQL statement auto-generation.
- Build exception reports and identify neglected accounts.
- Set targets for activity and opportunity levels to identify gaps and adjust sales plans.
- Choose from many templates and easily customize your own dashboards using our Dashboard Wizard. Drag and drop panels and fields.
Report instantly
- Share your dashboard as a report in PDF format.
- Select custom color schemes for your graphs and charts. (Act! v16/17/18/19/20)
- Export any list to MS Excel.
- Use Keystroke Alerts bundle to automate your dashboard reporting.

Purchase Notes & System Requirements
- All Pricing listed is in USD
- Compatible with Act! v18.2 or higher (older versions may be supported, but due to legacy licensing issues with Act!, they're not listed)
- The two tiers of Keystroke Dash are identical in functionality and features, save for the "Personal" edition ($79.95 USD) supports reporting for only ONE user (My Record), and the "Manager" edition ($149.95 USD) supports reporting on one or more users.