Have questions?
Web Design Services
What is your website intended to accomplish?
Is it to generate sales leads?
Educate visitors?
A good strategy would be to employ FAQ's, a well indexed site with good search tools, and answering as many unasked questions as possible to avoid unnecessary customer calls. This strategy essentially scrubs the visitors in advance so the inbound callers you do get are better qualified & informed.
Convert visitors into online purchasers?
A general marketing tool?
Dazzle them with design?
Establish credibility for a new business?
Communicate with customers?
How is your website data to be consumed?
Make your Homepage your Welcome page
Another important consideration is ongoing maintenance & upkeep. A website must always change & evolve to reflect new products, promotions, branding, images, you name it, and a robust & secure content management system makes it easier for the customer to manage these tasks themselves. We recommend Joomla or WordPress as both a free, easy to use, and are widely supported by designers and plugins.
Online Website Quoting Tool

Our Website Portfolio
Please find a small sample below of some of the websites we've completed. The sites have been deliberately selected from a broad range budgets, starting from less than $1000 to as much as $10,000, to convey the full spectrum of our web development services.
Quick questions you must ask before making a website
The following are a list of website components or features that you need to ask yourself before building a website. The answers may determine the direction you go.
- Are you selling goods, services, or both online?
- How frequently can you update the website content?
- What are your calls to action? How and where are they displayed?
- Do you run promotions, and if so, what is the desired viewer response to these? Call, click, or both?
- How are these tracked?
- Where are your leads coming from? Do you have analytics in place to track?
- What is your privacy policy?
- Mobility is not a question anymore, so ask yourself what features you want to display on mobile devices
- Where does your content come from? Is it self-produced, from your suppliers or othe vendors, or both?
- Do you need to demonstrate differences between products & services?
- Are you marketing to a specific demographic?
- What is your refund policy?
- What is your social media strategy? Don't confuse a Facebook, LinkedIn, or Twitter presence as a strategy.
- Who in your organization will manage the ongoing updates & maintenance of your website (ie., blogs, promotions, events)
- What does your website responses feed into? Is it your inbox, CRM, or inside sales team?
- Do you have a referral plan or program?
- Do you have an online payment provider selected?
- Are you selling goods, services, or both online?
- If you sell goods online, have a shopping cart that supports variants & characteristics, as well as quantity discounts (if applicable). Do you sell related or bundled products?
- What is your SEO strategy? What marketing strategy will incorporate your website? Will you need landing pages for these campaigns?
- What's your setup, maintenance, and SEO budget?