The #1 Mobile Solution for Act!
Handheld Contact
Handheld Contact is simply the best mobile solution for Act! users
Whether you use an iPhone, Android, Blackberry mobile device, or even an iPad or Android Tablet, Handheld Contact puts all your vital contact, calendar, opportunity, notes and history at your finger tips. In fact, Handheld Contact is your "home away from work" because it's like taking your office with you, where ever you go.
Handheld Contact Price Plans
Handheld Contact
Handheld Contact
- Manage ACT! data from HHC on mobile device without WiFi or network internet access
- Sync up to 15k Act! Contacts, as well as Activities, Opportunities, Secondary Contacts, Notes, and Histories
- Syncs securely using 128 bit encryption
- Sync up to 50 custom fields
- Supports mapping, quoting/invoicing, advanced searches, and more
- Unlimited Wireless syncing
- E-mail support and self-service knowledge base included
HHC Secure+
HHC Secure+
- Adds another layer of security to help protect your Act! data from unauthorized access.
- Available for both Android and iOS users.
- With Secure+ enabled, the HHC admin can control when the application gets locked, how many password attempts are allowed, and whether or not to wipe all local HHC data from the device.
- Local HHC data on the device is encrypted.
- HHC admins enjoy better control over Secure+ users and improved notifications.
Handheld Contact (API)
Most importantly for our users is they'll be able to access more contacts across multiple devices at no extra cost.
Handheld Contact (API)
- Supports unlimited devices, contacts, and opportunities
- Syncs directly with database for faster, more frequent updates of more data
- Changes to the calendar are written immediately to Act! database when online
- Enhanced Opportunity management
- Keyword searches for fast contact lookups
- Email or SMS one or more contacts while recording History that writes back to Act!
- Mobile Mapping & Quoting
- Quick Tasks
- Picture Transfer
Handheld Contact Classic
Handheld Contact is so feature rich & easy-to-use, you may never open Act! again
(Click on each paragraph below to see a visual navigation of that feature)
Handheld Contact makes it easy to find your contacts fast with four separate convenient and powerful search tools! Once you find the contact, you have one-click access to calling, emailing, or text messaging them, all of which get recorded as Histories in Act!. The Contact Detail view also provides easy access to Histories, Notes, Activities, Opps, Secondary Contacts, and more.
Easily manage your calendars with monthly, weekly, daily and tasklist views of all your activities. Create, edit, reschedule, and clear activities of any type, like you would with Act!, and then schedule follow-ups in the same workflow - all from your mobile device, with every action recorded and synced to your Act! History. HHC even supports sending invites activity participants.
Don't let mobility slow down your sales people as HHC provides you unparalleled access to your pipeline details from anywhere, with or without Internet. Create, edit, manage all your opportunities with the simple filtering tools you expect from Act!, and easily sync those updates with the office.
Now sending a quote or invoice is as easy as creating an Opportunity in HHC. With a new or existing Opp, you're one click away from sending professional-looking quotes or invoices that support company logos, colors, sales taxes, foreign exchange, and more.
Handheld Contact can be tailored to meet all your mobile CRM needs, including mobile mapping for route planning, semail & SMS blasts to multiple contacts, alerts to upcoming activities and annual events like birthdays and anniversaries. Network like a champ with the ability to share contact details with others by email with a single click. You can also save time by duplicating contacts for easier data entry of multiple contacts from the same company. And speaking of easier data entry, HHC supports business card scanning and voice-to-text recording of notes and histories!
Handheld Contact Features
Manage your contacts with ease
Handheld Contact makes it easy to find your contacts fast with four separate convenient and powerful search tools! Once you find the contact, you have one-click access to calling, emailing, or text messaging them, all of which get recorded as Histories in Act!. The Contact Detail view also provides easy access to Histories, Notes, Activities, Opps, Secondary Contacts, and more.
Schedule your activities like you do in Act!
- Easily manage your calendars with monthly, weekly, daily and tasklist views of all your activities. Create, edit, reschedule, and clear activities of any type, like you would with Act!, and then schedule follow-ups in the same workflow - all from your mobile device, with every action recorded and synced to your Act! History. HHC even supports sending invites activity participants.
Work with Task lists like you do in Act!
Handheld Contact makes your Task List easy to manage, filter, and clear when complete. With custom activity icons and clear task labels, you know at a glance what's ahead of you. And with the API version, clearing an activity clears it instantly in Act! so your Task List is always in sync.
Works with Local & Web databases
Handheld Contact API works with Cloud databases using the Act! WebAPI version, and local databases using Act! Connect Link. Offplan Act! users have Handheld Classic to sync their mobile devices with their local or network databases.
Pipeline tools to empower your road warriors
Don't let mobility slow down your sales people as HHC provides you unparalleled access to your pipeline details from anywhere, with or without Internet. Create, edit, manage all your opportunities with the simple filtering tools you expect from Act!, and easily sync those updates with the office.
Send Quotes or Invoices from HHC
Now sending a quote or invoice is as easy as creating an Opportunity in HHC. With a new or existing Opp, you're one click away from sending professional looking quotes or invoices that support company logos, colors, sales taxes, foreign exchange, and more.
With up to 75 custom fields available, as well as many configurable administrator and user options, Handheld Contact can be customized to fit anyone's needs.
Mapping, plus much, much more!
Handheld Contact can be tailored to meet all your mobile CRM needs, including mobile mapping for route planning, semail & SMS blasts to multiple contacts, alerts to upcoming activities and annual events like birthdays and anniversaries. Network like a champ with the ability to share contact details with others by email with a single click. You can also save time by duplicating contacts for easier data entry of multiple contacts from the same company. And speaking of easier data entry, HHC supports business card scanning and voice-to-text recording of notes and histories!
Watch some video demonstrations of HHC
"Mobile access to customer and prospect information is essential for today's business professionals, sales teams and larger workgroups"
Joe Bergera, Senior Vice President & GM for ACT!
"Accuracy of information was the biggest gain in adopting Handheld Contact. The challenge before was that information wasn’t getting updated into the database in a timely manner and sometimes it was being forgotten completely."
Larry Heimpel, CompX, Waterloo, ON
"If I’m not in the office, it saves me hours. It saves me a minimum of an hour a day - that’s a conservative estimate."
Bill Holsman, CEO, Sign-Lite, Cleveland, OH
How does Handheld Contact syncing work?
The magic behind the Handheld Contact syncing is that all communication between your computer and your devices flows through our secure server (mware) which ensures the highest level of accuracy, reliability, and security. Both sides communicate with the same server, and the changes are always reconciled properly to update your CRM data in the appropriate direction. With each update, that information is then removed from our server until the next sync.
This method ensures that none of your sensitive information is left on our servers for longer than it takes it takes to update your computer or device, and all data resides where you need it - either in Act! or your mobile device (see illustration below).