Manage your support business inside of Act!
Act4support is the first helpdesk Act! tool that functions fully within Act! and operates in both a Local Area Network and a Wide Area Network environment. Act4support is designed to help companies better support their customers by providing a global support dashboard, Outlook integration, and tracking support tickets by status, billable/warranty, and by support agent.
Act4support Dashboard provides global view of all support activity
- Link tickets directly to Act! Contacts.
- Automatically generate unique numeric ticket numbers.
- Automatically generate a unique LogMeIn rescue session code which can be provided to the customer to begin a remote support session. (Requires LogMeIn Rescue subscription)
- View all tickets for a given Contact or Technician.
- Filter ticket list by status, date, billable, and billed fields.
- Export your current ticket list to Excel with a click of a button.
- Easily navigate to the Contact linked with the ticket by clicking the “Go To Contact” button.
- Assign tickets to one or more technicians.
- Easily create a follow-up activity with the customer from within the ticket.
- Create and send Outlook email messages from predefined templates. For example, a ticket summary.
- Using Tables4Act!, easily create and manage support contract records. When a ticket is created for a Contact, Act4Support will automatically look for active support contracts. If one is found, the user is presented with the option to link the ticket to the contract. As the user updates the total on the ticket, this total is automatically deducted from the support contract’s “Remaining Time” field.
- Control common preferences easily from one place which allows syncing of preferences for both local and remote users. These settings may only be modified by an Administrator.
- Optionally, an Outlook plugin is also provided which provides the following features:
- Quickly navigate to the Act! Contact with a click of a button after selecting an email message.
- Create a ticket directly from an email message.
Seamless Outlook integration allows you to jump directly to a contact from an email

Purchase Notes & System Requirements
- All Pricing listed is in USD
- Compatible with Act! v16 or higher (sold separately)
- Annual subscription fee includes Tables4Act! (required for accessing custom tables within Act!)
- MS Office 2010 or higher (32-bit)
Subscription Pricing

- Annual subscription = $119.95 USD (cost per seat without Tabless4Act (sold separately)
The Knowtifier
- Annual subscription (only one required per database) = $299.95 USD/year
- When bundling with Act4support, Knowtifier is only $199.95 USD/year