Our Mission Statement
"To inspire & support our client's ongoing success through quality software solutions."
Want to know where to find the Keystroke Actcess Manager?

Keystroke Account Manager
Manage all your Act! related Accounts in one place
** Now Available in Windows at kam.kqc.ca, and on the AppStore & GooglePlay **
Keystroke is committed to always delivering cutting edge software solutions to our clients, whether they come in the form of productivity add-ons, leading self-service website features, or even the largest Act! support team anywhere. With the Keystroke Account Manager (KAM) app, we think we've delivered on all fronts as now our customers will enjoy exclusive Act!, accounting, and Support Contract access on their mobile devices, as well as the ability to view & pay their bills onoine, renew their contracts, book meetings with our team, look up all their past software purchases. And all from the convenience of your mobile device or PC. Just another part of the Success Commitment we make to our clients.
The Keystroke Account Manager (KAM) app celebrates your birthday with a greeting and a free gift. On your special day, you can choose from eight popular Act! add-ons, valued between $24.95 and $119.95 USD. Simply log into the app, pick your gift, and receive a free one-year license. KAM is free to use, and by adding your birthday details, you gain access to this exclusive perk as a thank you for being a Keystroke customer.
Starting January 2021, Keystroke will employ the KAM to distribute all free software our subscribers will be entitled to with the renewal of their Act! subscriptions. Download the mobile app or login to https://kam.kqc.ca today.

Act! Subscription
Check on your Act! Premium subscription account status, as well as lookup your license key, renewal date & price in one place.

Software Licenses
Check all the software licenses of any Act! or Act! add-on you've ever purchased from us. Easily retrieve your license keys, purchase details, and download details. All our add-ons can be download from ftp://ftp.act4work.com.

Support Contracts
Check on the status of your VIP or Orange Care Supprot Contracts. Easily renew any support contract early to save 10% without having to search for any additional account details. All from your mobile device.

Pay Your Bill
Easily access our payment page to ensure your Act! or support contracts never expire. Our payment page is mobile-friendly, and supports Visa, MasterCard, AMEX, and PayPal, and we accept payments in both USD and CAD.

Keystroke developed the Book2act application, and we use it internally to better engage with your customers. If you need to book a time with any of our staff, simply click on this icon and you'll see a roster of all those at Keystroke with a Book2act account, and you can easily select one to book a meeting with.
Book2act Team Edition allows you to select the next available time anyone from our sales or support team is available to meet. Instead of reporting on individual availability, you can now check the earlierst opportunity meet with any staff from either team!

Proration Calculator
Is your team growth requiring you to add Act! users? Want to calculate the exact cost of adding seats on a prorated basis to your next renewal? The Keystroke proration calculator makes this process easy as you only need your renewal date, the price you paid at your last renewal, and the number of seats you're adding. Enter this information and you'll get an exact calculation of your prorated cost, and even be able to pay for them immediately.

Upcoming Events
Recently we overhauled our Upcoming Events page to better support displaying inside the KAM, and we really think our customers will like it. Once click imediately displays all our upcoming scheduled trailings (Free to all Keystroke customers), and registering on your phone is s snap.

Contact Us
Find all our contact information in one easy place. Whether it be mailing address, phone, email, social media pages, you name it, all our contact details are in one simple place for you to easily click and connect.

Manage Your Accounts - NEW!
Want complete account visibility on all your past Keystroke transactions? The KAM now delivers! Simply click “Manage accounts” and see all your invoices, sales receipts, payments, credit memos, and even filter for transaction type and date ranges.
The new KAM even allows you to drill down into any invoice to see the line item details. You can pay click on an invoice with an open balance and pay it immediately.

Current Promotions
With over 100+ Act! add-ons, there is a lot to choose from to help you Act! better. Get one touch access to our current monthly specials, or browse our entire selection of add-ons in our Keystroke Marketplace. Search by product name, category, industry, or even compatibility. All your add-on needs at your finger tips.

Blog Updates
We publish more blogs than almost all other Act! Consultants combined, and it's because we're committed to informing our clients of all updates relevant to them. To that end, we'll be incorporating push notifications between the Keystroke blog and the KAM to ensure you're always alerted of new updates and never miss a thing.

Knowledge Base
Whether you're looking for support for Act! or our Act! add-ons, we've got you covered. The Knowledgebase feature immediately prompts you to select either the Act! KB or the Keystroke KB, giving you once-click access to either with the KAM. Get answers on your mobile device and apply them on your PC for added convenience!

Live Chat
Need some quick information on anythign Act! related, but worried about trying to get through to the right person? No worries, just click live chat and get instantly connected to one of our support technicians. And because you're already logged into the Keystroke Mobile App, you don't need to identify yourself.

Foreign Exchange Calculator
Are you a Canadian trying to calculate what your costs would be in CAD? Don't get, the KAM includes a handle FX Calculator with the up-to-date rates displayed instantly.
A few other important facts about the Keystroke Account Manager
- It is FREE! Any Keystroke customer with an Act! subscription, past or present, can use our KAM mobile app
- Check the status of a support ticket or contract online
- The KAM works in both IOS and Android, as well as PC and MAC. Download from AppStore or GooglePlay
- It works in all browsers and on all platforms
- The information you're seeing is being accessed in realtime from our own database, and is using our exclusive Keystroke API
- Save time & money by using the easy-renewal features for our support contracts
- Did we mention it's FREE?