Convert your To-Do's into To-Dones with...
QuickTasks for Act!
Task at the speed of thought
QuickTasks for Act! is the fastest way to create, delegate, clear, and follow-up on activities & small projects without ever opening Act!. Whether you work by yourself or manage a large team, QuickTasks for Act! helps you be better organized, plan better, get more done, and with less effort - and from anywhere with our IOS or Android mobile apps.
And now it works with Webplanner.com for true "ground-to-cloud" collaboration.
Ever wish you could quickly create a list of tasks for yourself (or others) and send them to Act! to be completed? Wish you could do that from any computer, or from any mobile device, and have the same lists synced across all these platforms?
Now what if we built-in project management tools, a system for tracking tasks you delegate, as well as importing & clearing all your Act! activities, importing your Act! contacts, and even a timeline to track all these tasks easily? And what if we gave you unlimited boards to organize & segment all your tasks?
What you'd have is the new QuickTasks for Act!, the most powerful Act! companion program ever invented to make you more productive, accountable, and organized... from anywhere. And it works with local, Cloud, and even SaaS databases, (Pro or Premium) so every Act! user could now "task at the speed of thought".

System Requirements & Subscription Terms
- A current Act! subscription (Act! v18 or higher) for WebAPI connection, although non-subscription users can connect with K-API.
- Act! security role of "Standard" or higher, with WebAPI permissions assigned. Act! Premium Cloud or Act! CRM SaaS with a WebAPI URL, or locally install Act! Connect Link. Requires .NET 4.7.
- For SDK Connection, customers must have Act! Pro or Premium v18+
- A Link2task subscription ($36/year/user) is required for data syncing, and also includes "upgrade assurance" for free future updates to QuickTasks.
- Outlook integration requires a 32-bit version of Office 2010 or newer
- All prices listed are in USD, and billed per user/per database
QuickTask's time-saving Features
Task at the speed of thought
Create one or more "boards" of tasks
Type out a quick list of tasks and organize them into "Boards" based on projects or subject matter. For QuickTasks that require a bit more detail, you can assign them a date, time, priority, alarm, and even the “Scheduled For” user. You can save more time by duplicating a task and then assign it to another user.
Convert Outlook emails to tasks
Outlook users can simply right-click on an email and select "Send to QuickTasks" to create a task. The subject line is listed as the task and the body goes into details.
Send Tasks to Act!
Tasks can be sent directly to master database via the Act! Web API or locally through the SDK, and assigned to one or more users on-the-fly. These tasks can be sent as timeless To-Do's, or have a time, date, alarm, and priority set. The assignees are then alerted by email of the new Tasks waiting for them in Act!.
QuickTasks does not require Act! to be installed on the same computer.
Send Tasks to Webplanner.com - NEW!
If you need to collaborate with people outside your user group, you can now send tasks to Webplanner.com and invite anyone to collaborate with the project. You can add them to an existing project or create a new one on the fly. Like sending to Act!, the assignees are then alerted by email.
Get Alerted of upcoming Tasks
Set Alarms for QuickTasks and be alerted with a toaster popup on your desktop. With syncing enabled via Link2tasks, you can also be alerted on your mobile device and other Windows version of QuickTasks.
Sync your QuickTasks
With a Link2tasks subscription, you can sync your two QuickTask installations through the Internet to ensure all your tasks are current on each machine. Whether on your desktop & laptop or work PC and home PC, your Quicktasks will always be current. In April of 2021, your Link2task subscription will support syncing your QuickTasks across our IOS and Android apps, enabling you to add, edit and clear QuickTasks from where ever you are.
Use TimeLine to quickly see all upcoming tasks
With multiple boards of QuickTasks, it may become challenging to keep track of what is due when. Our handy Timeline feature gathers all scheduled tasks from across all boards and displays them in one simply place for you to check. You can even select a task on TimeLine and click "Got To Task" and it will jump to that task immediately on whatever board it's located.
Import Contacts - NEW!
QuickTasks can now import a group of Act! contacts via the Web API quickly and easily. Search for contacts within this tab, and then select the ones you want to schedule a new task with. You can also add contacts to an existing task, and these will come over as "Scheduled With" when sent to Act!
Project Management
Use QuickTasks for simple project management by organizing your some tasks under other tasks. By indenting subtasks under one "Parent" Task (or category), you can group a list of related subtasks. You can organize them further by assigning them all to one Board, or a larger project can be divided into a number of smaller projects, each with a list of subtasks.
You can even cherry pick a number of tasks, and then right-click and select "nest under" another task.
The best part is when you transfer subtasks to Act!, the "Regarding" field will show the subtask in question, but it will prefix it with the name of the parent task in curly brackets. This will allow users to easily sort by the Regarding field in their Act! Task list to group all related tasks.
Follow-ups are a snap
Use the Follow-up feature to check which tasks you've assigned that have been completed in Act!, without ever opening Act!. Send reminder emails to those with incomplete tasks to nudge them towards completion.
Import & sort your Act! activities
Import your Act! Task list from your Act! database, whether it's local, across a network, or in the cloud. Clear your activities in QuickTasks, and they clear in Act! Use the column headers in the QuickTask activities window to filter your Act! activities by type, priority, date, time, scheduled with, and even regarding.
You can even import a task list from other data formats like Excel, CSV, TXT to populate a QuickTask board.
Export your Tasks to Excel, PDF, or Word
If you need to send all the tasks you have on a board to a colleague, simply export the list to Excel Word, or as a PDF with one-click of the mouse, and then email.
Regardless of which section you're in, use our handy Search feature to find tasks you're looking for. You can even display cleared tasks, and search those too.
Maintenance Tools
We know your tasks are important, so we've organized them all in a robust SQL Lite database, and provided you tools to check, reindex, and compress your database, as well as backup and restore.
Always keep your tasks at your fingertips with our new QuickTask Mobile app, available in IOS and Android. Manage your tasks, boards, and get alarms when a task comes due on your device.
QuickTasks Deep Dive Webinar
QuickTasks for Act! FAQ's
QuickTasks for Act! is a perpetual license product. A one-time introductory fee is all you need to pay to use QuickTasks indefinitely, and in-version updates are included with the purchase price.
QuickTasks for Act! licensing also permits two activations, allowing you to install it on your desktop & laptop, or home and workplace computer. It can even work with you and an assistant.
Link2tasks is a separate subscription that allows QuickTasks users to sync the QT databases between computers and mobile devices. In April 2021 we'll be releasing mobile versions of QuickTasks for both IOS and Android to further extend the reach of QuickTasks to where ever you go.
The Link2tasks subscription also includes upgrade assurance for all future releases of Quicktasks beyond in-version updates. We have quite an ambitious roadmap ahead with QuickTasks and we think each user will want to use the updates we have planned.
That said, users that have a single installation of Act! and QuickTasks may not need the syncing service in QuickTasks, so that's why this is an optional service.
QuickTasks Gallery

Purchase Notes & System Requirements
- All Pricing listed in USD
- Price per database
- Compatible with Act! v18.2 or higher (sold separately)
- API Connection compatible with all subscription deployments of Act!, namely desktop, cloud, and SaaS. SDK connection compatible with Act! 18.2 or higher with .NET 4.7.