Skip Brown, Freedom Builders of America

Act! users are unusually loyal, and they stick with what works. During the course of this Act! Success Story campaign, we heard stories about their use of different parts of the Act! program including the calendar, searching features, customization, marketing automation, and so much more, and many of them certainly resonated with us. We were using Act! long before we were selling it, and now that we've grown to 30-employees spread across three countries, we rely on it more than ever.
We hope you enjoy some of the testimonials below as much as we did.
We have been using Act for 22 years through all of the changes and challenges it has been our go to for client management systems The critical component has always been to have a great relationship with folks like Keystroke to assist with challenges and to customize when we needed and to help us with Add Ons to make ACT an even better solution for all of our needs
Skip Brown, Freedom Builders of America

I have been using ACT! CRM since 1990 and it has had many upgrades and improvements since then it is still the one constant in my business. It's user-friendly, has wonderful reporting capabilities, and works well with other necessary applications. Over time I have considered other CRM packages but while they lead their functionality they are not a patch on ACT! Best of all I am now using 'Keystroke!net' as a Support Partner and they are fantastic, it doesn't matter that we are based In 'little old' New Zealand at the bottom of the world we get real-time reliable support. ACT! CRM is a good choice for businesses both small and large.
Peter Haszard, TuffPlans Ltd

With our original team of 15 users, we were able to take full advantage of all the custom fields that helped us to track our client's types and needs and made use of opportunities, and estimate our potential revenues from our varied clients. With dynamic groups, in one keystroke, we were able to drill down to see the needs of groups based on whether their custom fields complied with each dynamic group's criteria. Our staff in sales and admin found ACT! easy to master and were happy to make use of many features; custom fields, custom layouts, opportunities, email history, task history, lookups, custom toolbar settings, export to excel, and reports chief among them. I have mentored several charities to embrace ACT! for their own uses and all have found the ease of creating custom fields and layout editing a perfect fit for their needs. We find it the most cost-effective and most customizable CRM database available to us, no matter our size or unique needs. We're thrilled to have ACT! at our fingertips and look forward to continuing with it well into the future.
Paula O'Brien, Southport Holdings

I ❤ ACT! because it keeps me organized, so I don't have to worry about missing a beat ... which keeps my ❤ healthy and stress-free!.
Susan Schnorr, Training Insights

I have been using ACT since version 1 on DOS. It has continued to serve me through job and industry changes. I particularly like both the software and data being contained on my hard drive so I don't have to depend on completely unreliable internet connections. I have custom fields that were created more than 25 years ago that still work. I have more than 25 years of data in my current business that is easily accessible. I have no interest in moving this data to cloud-based software. I've looked many times, but I cannot find a better software package for my small business.
Don Opeka, Orion Mortgage Inc.

We've been using ACT since we start our business. We use it a bit differently in that to us an Opportunity is a sale made. Then we use the Activity Series to manage the School Fundraisers throughout their sales. Usually, the anchor date is the Start Date of the sale and then it schedules ordering materials, shipping products, following up about invoices, etc automatically. I can keep track of how much they raised year after year, their enrollment, and even what incentive program we used for the student rewards, all right there in the opportunity. My husband, the salesperson, uses it to schedule appts and follow-up calls. and to send promotional emails. I know ACT can do lots more than we utilize but after almost 30 years I'm not switching.
Jane Norton, Norton Fundraising Services

I've had ACT since Windows 3.1 We now have Handheld API as well in the team. I love how everyone stays synced so we all know what each other has done. I'm still using a modem so the add-in dialer feature was necessary after updating to version 24. It is far more stable than the built-in dialer that was in version 20. We market to a small niche so don't use many of its marketing features but have sent some mass emails in the past.
Paul Simpson, Trilobite Testing Inc

Today the options for a robust CRM are few with SalesForce leading the pack with a very very complex interface; a dismal mobile solution; and, very expensive customer support. Tamara Phillips at NEW IDEAS and the KEYSTROKE team keep me running efficiently and affordably on a platform I can use vs. most complex solutions that are just that: Complex!
David J. Clamage, Saulsbury Hill Financial

I have used ACT! for over 20 years and it has helped my business tremendously. It is easy to use, easy to do searches, and find histories. Customers find it impressive when we meet for the first time in their new position and I'm able to recall meeting them years ago and under what circumstances. It helps in building relationships which we know is important in sales.
Gery Koury, GK Aero Services

I have used Act! for about 20 years. I prefer the Windows Desktop version, where we can sync with our small team, and have the ability to use Act! regardless of internet connection. There have been times when no internet might have meant no ability to use our CRM, but not so in our configuration. Act! does all we need to prioritize To Do's, organized by virtually unlimited categories, and do much more. Other CRM's we have looked out don't really give us more, but cost a lot more. We'll stick with Act! for the foreseeable future.
Roger Rader, eMarketing360

I have used ACT for over 20 years and today it is indispensable for contact engagement and active and won opportunities. Opportunity screen data fields are customized to meet the unique needs of this business. Companionlink is used to sync with Android phone keeping phone and desktop in alignment. Highly recommend!!
John Shelford, Naturipefoods

I have used ACT! for over 20 years and it has helped my business tremendously. It is easy to use, easy to do searches, and find histories. Customers find it impressive when we meet for the first time in their new position and I'm able to recall meeting them years ago and under what circumstances. It helps in building relationships which we know is important in sales.
Gery Koury, GK Aero Services

I have been able to customize Act! so that it functions EXACTLY how I want it! Most systems are not as easy to customize, we have 3 users on the system, and we are all very happy with Act!
Lisa Fitzpatrick, Foxen Financial

Toronto Condo News is Canada's largest publication on condominium living and management, and we rely on Act! for our success. Act! is how we manage our subscribers, advertisers and prospects, and also our Condo Resource Guide vendor directory for high-rise building vendors and service providers. Act! allows us to manage all our e-marketing and communications efficiently!!
Perry Shoom, Toronto Condo News

I have been using Act! since its release in 1987. I believe it is the greatest CRM in the market. I recommend you try Act!, you will love it and Keystroke. Keystroke's ongoing support is wonderful. Try them out today!
Murray A. Persicke, AFC Systems Incubator Corp

I have been in the mortgage segment since 1981 always relying on to contact my past clients. In 1990 I went to a seminar in Arizona and the presenter talked about the assets of a past customer and recommended Act! to manage all past clients and stay in touch with them on a regular basis. I have been with 6 mortgage companies since then. When I start at the new company I don't delay in contacting past customers with my new company and continue to be reminded about closing dates, birthdays and anniversaries. My business has been very successful because of Act!. I always recommend Act! to anyone starting in mortgage banking.
Kevin Doyle, Loan Depot

Act! is core to our lives, managing relationships, history, activities, and business development. Could not live without it.
France de Gaspe Beaubien, FUSACQ

As a 20+ year user, I have to say that I owe much of my fundraising success to Act! Tracking thousands of donors, following up with key donors, and creating groups that we access during specific times of the year have been invaluable.
Michael Freeman, The Salvation Army

Your service has been a lifesaver to my voice-over business. I was scared for years to give up my database and have it hosted. It's peace of mind knowing my clients are accessible, especially when I travel. I would give up lunch before giving up my Keystroke subscription! Very grateful for your service!
Alex Verde, Voice Talent Home Studio

Great company and people. They have helped in our success over many years. With Act! and Keystroke mfginterchange.com keeps track of customers and potential customers for specific product lines
Harold Norman, Manufacturer's Interchange

Even though I have been an Act! user since the early 1990s, this past year I set out to consider other CRM alternatives. Of the 20 CRMs most frequently recommended, I short-listed my options to the 5 most frequently mentioned. All of them ignored many of the critical elements of my job and not allowing the flexibility even Act! v22 had allowed me to achieve. So I purchased Act! v24 which not only allowed me to continue customizing to fit my Practice but sped up many of its prior processes. My CRM evaluation process was expensive but was well worth the proof that Act! v24 will remain my mainstay CRM.
Ian Callaway, The Income Protectors