The Keystroke VIP Club is an annual membership that was inspired by new Act! customers needing some initial "kick start" help with their deployment or upgrade, but hesitant to engage a consultant for fear of the cost. It was the first support plan ever introduced at Keystroke, and thousands have been sold since we launched the program in 2015. Over the years VIP Support plans have evolved to include VIP (level 2 support) and VIP Diamonds (level 3 support), with regular & Plus tiers within each.
You can learn more about our VIP Plans HERE.
VIP Plans are popular for customization projects, deployments, importing, migrations, development, you name it, but the one condition we've always imposed is clients can only purchase one per year because they represent almost 50% off our normal labour rates. Typically when a client's VIP is exhausted, they're required to pay the normal rate until they're eligible to purchase a VIP plan again.
Given the current circumstances with COVID-19, we've decided to suspend these rules from now through June 30th, allowing our clients to purchase as many VIP or VIP Diamond plans as they need for their projects. We're even allowing people to purchase several at a time and inventory them for the next year. On July 1st we plan to re-implement the normal purchase rules, but for now this flexibility seems like an easy way to help our customers.
Please review the following VIP Plans and click on the graphic to review your purchase options.