As you have been made aware in recent communications, we have been informed that an embedded third-party software component of Act! that facilitates licensing services is being discontinued by the manufacturer at the end of 2018.
After Monday, December 31, 2018, you are at risk of losing access to your Act! database should certain common actions be taken that interact with the licensing component within Act!. For additional information, click here.
To ensure uninterrupted access to Act! in 2019, you must upgrade to the current version of Act! (v21) by December 31, 2018.
To discuss your upgrade and pricing options, call us at 833-ACT-BOLD and ask for anyone from our sales team. Please note, the Keystroke offices will be closed on January 1, 2019 in observation of New Year’s Day. View the Act! Support Obsolescence Policy
The Keystroke Team