From now through to the end of the year, Swiftpage and Keystroke are offering our biggest discount ever on Act! Subscription membership. That's right, all past Act! customers are now eligible to receive 33% discount (see the chart below) off their first year of Act! subscription - which is like getting twelve months for the cost of eight.
These steep discounts were already scheduled for November & December, and unrelated to the recent licensing news, but is useful in softening the impact of the licensing service ending on December 31st, 2018. For those unaware of this licensing development, an embedded third-party software component of Act! that facilitates licensing services is being discontinued by the manufacturer at the end of 2018.
As of January 1, 2019 Act! Version(s) 7 to 17 will no longer be able to:
- Install Act! on new machines
- Re-activate Act! on existing machines
- Modify your user count
- Make key modifications to existing machines (eg. Motherboard swap, network card swap)
If you make any of the changes listed above your Act! product will fail to re-activate and you will lose access to the software completely. Act! v17 or earlier is considered an unsupported version, please refer to the obsolescence policy for your region below:
- North America, Australia / New Zealand Support Obsolescence Policy
- Europe, UK and rest of the world Support Obsolescence Policy
No one likes to be rushed, but...
If you’ve been holding off upgrading, there will never be a better time or a better reason than now. If you're team is growing, on the move, or if you're just interested in getting more out of your data, you owe it to your business to see what the new Act! Premium or Act! Premium Plus can offer. You also owe it to your business to maintain uninterrupted access to your critical business data.
Again, this offer is available exclusively to past Act! customers who are not currently on subscription and is only available for the first year of membership. This offer cannot be combined with volume discounts, perpetual purchases, or two-year pricing. Offer expires September 28, 2018.
How to Save online
To save 33% on Act! Premium, Premium Plus, Premium Cloud, or Premium Cloud Plus, click on any of the previous product links, and use select the "Winback" quantity option to apply discount.
How to Save online
To save 33% on Act! Premium, Premium Plus, Premium Cloud, or Premium Cloud Plus, click on any of the previous product links, and use select the "Winback" quantity option to apply discount.

Please note that all subscriptions renew at the regular rate after the first year. Must provide proof of past Act! license to be eligible.