Keystroke is pleased to announce the addition of Duane Anderson to the Keystroke development team. Duane is a Microsoft Certified Solution Developer, and has been working with Act! for 25 years and is the original creator of the Act! diagnostic tools, the database repair tools and a host of other custom apps. These tools were developed during his tenure at Symantec Corp when they owned the Act! software product. Duane left Symantec Corp as a Senior Product Engineer to create the software side of the business at ASDS Computer Corp located in Denver, Colorado. For 13 years Duane headed up the development of retail software for ASDS, where as Chief Software Architect he produced hundreds of custom and retail add-ons for the Act! contact manager, including the following:
- AutoAdmin: Keep your Act! data safe and healthy with the #1 unattended backup and maintenance tool! Receive Email confirmation and alerts and even backup off site.
- AutoLimited Access: Automatically set your contact, company or group limited access rules on the fly with Auto Limited Access.
- DocAdmin: Scan and attach documents right from within Act!
- FaxAdmin: Fax right from within Act! - without leaving your desk!
- MigrateAdmin: Convert GoldMine® data directly into Act! without leaving valuable data behind! Goldmine versions 4.0 through 9, dBase and SQL versions.
- Outlook Drop: Drag incoming Outlook emails directly to a Contact, Group/Project, Company or Opportunity in Act! so they’re available to anyone using Act!?
Duane joined our team on a contract basis in June as part of the HTML5 conversion project, building the Act! import functionality. As June turned into July, we quickly realized how valuable he was to our development efforts, and asked him to join Keystroke full time. Stay tuned for more exciting product announcements from Duane and the Keystroke Development team.
Duane lives in Redmond Oregon with his wife Alicia, and four kids.