Starting from February 14th, you can buy Desktop Sync as an add-on to Act! Premium Cloud (APC) is based on how many activations (per device) you need instead of how many users you have. This way, you can save money by getting Desktop Sync only for the users who require it, or for any temporary needs, such as feature gaps, add-ons, integrations, etc. This option also makes it easier for you to switch to APC if you are still using Desktop and not ready to fully migrate to Cloud.
If you already have APC and Desktop Sync in the 1:1 model, you can stay in that model or choose to switch to the new one when you renew your subscription. The price is the same in all currencies, but it is based on the number of activations (per device), not the number of users.
- Can purchase for only those who need it - admins, remotes, power users, etc.
- Mitigates migration pricing issues (Desktop = $450, APC = $360, APC w/ Sync = $480 in 1:1 model)
- Can retain Desktop to accommodate interim feature gaps, add-ons, integrations
- Allows legacy customers to ease into APC gradually, without having to ‘cut the cord’ completely
This new option will be presented in-product at trial conversion and for APC customers without sync currently.
Keystroke customers with Orange Care have the added bonus of implementing the Keystroke Contact Manager to further reduce their dependence on the Windows desktop client. By using KCM as a light offline client, businesses can reduce their desktop sync licensing while providing the offline Windows client to which their users have become accustomed.