Handheld Contact supports business card scanning as a means of adding contact data to your Act! Database, but it does not provide the scanning engine itself. Handheld Contact’s role in this process is to import in new contacts from the devices native address book, allowing subscribers to use whatever card scanning service they choose.
Recommended services include the following:
- CardScan
- Abbyy BCR
- Sansan
- Fox Card
- Card Scanner
Many of these services are available for free or at a nominal cost. Handheld Contact looked at licensing this technology and integrating it into our software, but the fees would have driven up the subscription costs for our customers by $7 per user, which we could not justify or defend.
Attempts to develop the technology ourselves led to working prototypes, but often involved a huge installation footprint, in many cases consuming up to 1GB+ of disc space to support all the language files. For this reason the project was abandoned.
Handheld Contact is committed to focussing on our core competencies, which is to provide the fastest sync service for offline access to your database information. In cases where we can provide additional functionality for our subscribers by relying on existing synergistic technology in the marketplace, that’s the course we’ll take.