For the most part, our customers purchase either Orange Care or VIP support plans. One provides great ongoing support options, the other is perfect for customization and project work.
Most are unaware that we have many other support options available, including ones for password resetting, scoping, database conversions, database repair, database tune-up, self-hosting support, and even ones for our level 2 and 3 labor rates. It's a lot. In fact, it's so confusing that some of our support staff are unaware of the choices available, so we thought it was time to simplify the selections.
To that end, effective April 15th, we're eliminating all support choices except VIP, VIP DIamonds, and Orange Care, and we're rebranding our VIP plans to make them simpler to distinguish from each other. Here is the plan:
TWO TIERS ONLY: After April 15th, VIP plans will only have two tiers: VIP and VIP Diamond.
- VIP PLANS represents Level 2 support, which includes installation, setup, general troubleshooting, importing/exporting, customization, and smaller projects.
- VIP DIAMOND: represents Level 3 support, which includes software development, scripting, training, Advanced Marketing Automation support, and Business Consulting
- QUANTITIVE DISTINCTIONS, NOT QUALITATIVE: The "+" designation for both VIP plans is being dropped in favor of numbers designating duration. Since there is no qualitative distinction between the VIP and VIP+ plans, just quantitative, it made more sense to rebrand them to reflect the number of hours of support each includes.
For example:- VIP2, VIP4, VIP6, and VIP8 will now include 2, 4, 6, and 8 hours of Level 2 support respectively.
- VIP4 Diamond, VIP6 Diamond, VIP8 Diamond, and VIP10 Diamond will now include 4, 6, 8, and 10 hours of Level 3 support respectively.
- Naturally there will be some savings with the bigger plans, as the divisible hourly rate will be lower the more you spend.
- Our long-standing policy of limiting one VIP plan per year will remain, with customers still allowed to purchase one VIP and one VIP Diamond plan per year.
- As VIP Lite plans contain no time variable, they'll continue as they are. These plans are different in most ways from their VIP brethren and have no quantitative tiers like the other two, so we'll be leaving them alone. They also serve a very different market.
- ORANGE CARE: Orange Care Plans will continue to operate with regular and Plus tiers because they have a quantitative distinction and not a quantitative one.
As you might have noticed, these changes give our customers more straightforward purchase options, with branding that more accurately reflects what they're purchasing. We now have bigger VIP plans in each tier for larger projects, which gives our customers better savings opportunities. We will continue to offer Level 2 and 3 Labour hours at straight rates as those will be necessary for customers who run out of VIP time and are ineligible to purchase more until those support plans renew.
Our goal going into 2024 was to simplify our products and services where we could, and we feel strongly that these changes reflect that commitment and will better serve our customers moving forward.