Yup, we get this question a lot, as there is always a perceived benefit from dealing "direct" or with the manufacturer.
We understand this thinking, but we'd ask you to consider this. While there is nothing wrong with ordering Act! direct from Swiftpage, when your licensing is purchased through Keystroke, the world’s #1 ACT Reseller, you get all the benefits of dealing with Swiftpage, combined with the benefits of working with us.
For instance we offer our customers:
- Five minutes and it’s free consulting with zero wait time
- Discounts on add-ons like Handheld Contact (50% currently)
- Valuable pre-sale consultation on what product support options are best for you, including what add-ons might be available to help you get more done, faster. Addons include custom table tools, reporting, quoting, automation, accounting integration, etc.
- The influence of the World's #1 ACT Reseller working on your behalf when needed to sort out licensing or account issues. We're not just a reseller, after all, we're the Canadian Master Distributor of Act!.
- And support that goes beyond break/fix, and includes best practices, customization, and development. We can literally develop addons custom tailored to your unique business needs.
- Annual Support Plans like no other
- Numerous industry vertical addons available exclusively through Keystroke
- Keystroke's exclusive Act! automation tool, the Knowtifier, which is available exclusively to Keystroke customers.
- Hosting support that is truly centered around you. Our ACT Premium Cloud allows you to upgrade at your convenience, and not ours. If you’re hosted with Swiftpage, your account is upgraded when they say it is, and if you have users in the field with remote copies of the database, this can be very disruptive.
- Keystroke's Hosting plans also offer unique features like notifying you if any of your users have gone too long without synching, or if your users haven't logged in to the database in more than a week.
Combine these benefits with the fact the software & hosting will cost you the same or less through us, and you've got to ask yourself... why would you buy Act! directly from Swiftpage.