The Spring launch of Act! Growth Suite ushered in many new exciting commercial bundlings to help customers grow their business with better value. However, it also introduced Act! 21.1, a new service pack to the version released in November of 2018, and it contains many exciting new features, upgrades, and compatibilities.
The following is a quick bullet point summary:
New features/compatibility
- Windows Server 2019 certification
- Office 2019 Certification
- Office Integration support for Chrome – Provides support for all Office integration functionality to Chrome users
- Office integration installer clean-up – Removes unrequired services and files following our v20.1 changes (removes redemption.dll, HistoryQueue, and Act! Outlook Service)
- Act! Insight Marketing view – Display a performance summary of sent campaigns, and also opportunities created from campaigns.
- AMA Asset tracking – New asset tracking module to measure engagement and performance of PDF and YouTube marketing assets.
- AMA campaign calendar – New calendar view giving a daily, weekly or monthly view of sent and planned campaigns.
- AMA HTML editing – this feature is now available to Complete tier customers
- Allow sync sets for web created remotes – Provides full sync set functionality and advanced creation options to web client users.
- New ‘System Manager’ user role – Provides access to various database admin functions through a new console. No access to database records or customization features.
- Active directory support – Adds support for login authentication and user management via Active Directory
- Proxy licensing – Adds support for licensing via a proxy server, so licensing calls can be centralized.
- New licensing UI – Update the activation wizard UI to fit with Act! UI, resolve usability issues and defects, and allow full localization
- Getting Started wizard – Accessible from the Welcome Page, this allows direct data migrations from key competitor products (Zoho, Salesforce, Dynamic, Pipedrive) as well as common file types.
To view a video library of all these new features, click HERE.
Other feature improvements
- Custom Tables enhancements
- On the Assign dialog, add filter and keyword search options to help locate the required record (build 1.55.0)
- Creating a layout via web should prompt that the layout needs to be saved to the server, otherwise changes are lost. (build 1.55.0)
- Allow mail merge to reference ‘My Record’ fields, as per the standard Act! mail merge feature (build 1.55.0)
- On creating a new table, automatically add the default fields as the default columns to display (build 1.55.0)
- Trying to use Edit Field or Field Security on a system field does nothing. This should provide an information dialog. (build 1.55.0)
- Provide an additional mail merge option which lists the custom table records on a contract (e.g. for sending a list of support tickets) (build 1.55.2)
- Change Progress field to function as a slider in the web client (build 1.55.2)
- When opening Manage Custom Tables whilst on table's main list view, pre-select that specific table from the list. (build 1.55.2)
- APFW navbar improvement – Provides a scrollbar should the available navbar options run off screen
- Branding updates - Premium Plus branding no longer appears when Custom Tables is enabled. Act! Premium in-product logo now just appears as ‘Act!’
- AMA demo data – Adds sample campaign data to the 2019 demo database
- APC – Enforce email address for new Act! users – Forces new or edited users (on APC only) to have an email address as their user name. This provides early support for a future Act! development which will link Act! to tools for the customer to manage their subscription or cloud account.
- Remove APFW startup view prompt – This caused support calls and issues with pop-up blockers so has been removed.
Swiftpage is expected to release this new upgrade on Thursday, May 2nd for North American customers, with localized versions for French Canadians and Germans expected out later in May.
Bugs Fixed:
ID | Description |
GS-1505 | Unexpected results running Act! without internet access |
GS-1499 | APFW- Message 'Object reference not set to an instance of an object' pops up after mail merge via Email. |
GS-1494 | TS - Text entered into 'Details' on Contact Relationship tab appears as Webdings/Wingdings |
GS-1487 | LC- FR - Process list / Dropdown list needs translating. |
GS-1482 | Licensing - CF - Activation wizard is untranslated |
GS-1479 | APFW - Download button does not work in E-mail preferences |
GS-1478 | Licensing - Online Activation button loads form for Offline Activation after applying update 5_3 |
GS-1240 | APFW - Error: "An error has occurred on the server and has been logged. Please contact your administrator if this problem persists. " when going to Tools>Preferences>Activities in APFW |
GS-1238 | APFW - Layouts are not saving in Chrome Browser |
GS-1237 | Custom Tables - Deleting a Custom table causes errors creating New Custom tables or running Check and repair on Database |
GS-1229 | LC - DE/FR/CF - In Help > About, the Copyright information displays the year as 2017 for Desktop and Web |
GS-1220 | LC - DE/FR/CF - The prompt advising a Username must be an email address in Offline Clients is untranslated |
GS-1213 | Beta - APFW - Unable to delete History items (Contact/Group/Company/Opportunity |
GS-107 | When syncronizing Act! and Google a prompt advises Google Authorization has expired |
GS-89 | Beta - Outlook - Error "An unknown error occurred, error code: 0x80040154." when accessing Act Address book in Outlook |
GS-59 | AMA on RDB from APFW database using Web API / Act! Connect Link does not work |
GS-43 | Cannot activate if Proxy Server uses username/password authentication. |
GS-42 | AD - Added Permissions are not removed when moving user to a new group. |
GS-27 | Insights - LC - DE/FR/CF - Act! Insight Charts and view labels are untranslated |
GS-25 | APFW - IE/Chrome - Write menu options do not function as expected |
GS-16 | Outlook - Upgrading Act! to 21.x, "Record History of Received E-mails" is set the same as "Record History of Sent E-mails" in E-mail System Setup |
GS-1474 | LC - DE/CF/FR - no demo database deployed during installation |
GS-1472 | LC - "Global Toolbar Options" is in English in v21.0 |
GS-1236 | Unable to create Activity from Outlook add-in when using Outlook 64 bit |
GS-1235 | LC - FR - APFW - Unable to add activity type in web (FR) |
GS-98 | APFW - LC - DE - Prompt to configure address book is untranslated |
GS-91 | BETA - LC - DE - Translation and truncation errors within the Contact Layout 1024 x 768 |
GS-76 | AMA will not work on remote database setup to sync with 'Network Sync over Internet'. |
GS-66 | LC - FR/DE/CF - Activation wizard 1st screen only partially translated. |
GS-65 | LC - FR/CF - Enable Act! Emarketing is untranslated |
GS-63 | Licensing - LC - DE/FR - Trial expired notification is untranslated |
GS-62 | Licensing - DE/FR/CF Licensing Wizard is missing translations |
GS-60 | LC - EU - Dates displayed in Task List are formatted to use forward slashes not dots when using Windows DE |
GS-46 | LC - Dashboards appear in English, on German and French Locales |
GS-45 | LC - CF - NPS Survey in-product redirect is incorrect |
GS-44 | Enabling Act! Emarketing causes error 'The database cannot be accessed' when logging into Act!. |
GS-41 | CF - Untranslated strings in Outlook Synchronisation Preferences window |
GS-40 | LC - DE/CF - Last Edited filters partly untranslated within Universal Search |
GS-34 | Cannot run Act! as normal user if registered as Admin |
GS-32 | LC - DE - Licensing - Act! Getting Started Resource Center hypelink is untranslated |
GS-31 | LC - Splash screen/Eula and Help About Act! says 2017. |
GS-30 | LC - CF - Licensing - The Company field on the User Registration page has two text labels when completing an Online Activation |
GS-29 | LC - DE/FR/CF - Licensing - The "Name" text label on the User Registration page of the wizard is truncated |
GS-28 | LC - DE/FR/CF - APFW - Manage Activity Types window is untranslated |
GS-22 | LC - DE/FR/CF - Translation error in Email & Outlook Sync Preference wizard |
GS-15 | LC - DE/FR/CF - Licensing - The in-product link on the final page of the Licensing Wizard is incorrect |
GS-13 | BETA - LC - DE - The text label "Company" is incorrectly translated on the User Registration page of the Activation Wizard |
GS-11 | LC - DE/FR/CF - Enable Act Emarketing message untranslated. |
GS-9 | LC - DE - Incorrect translation on Insight Graph |
GS-1234 | Beta - Groups/Opportunities/Companies - Unable to manually add a single contact |
GS-99 | Remove the APFW startup view prompt |
GS-88 | APFW - AMA - Clicking '+' on Campaign Results tab logs user out of database |
GS-78 | TS - APFW - Work week displays incorrectly if work week start and week start are the same day. |
GS-69 | BETA - History Queue folder still being created. |
GS-1500 | 'Leave the activity on the Outlook calendar when an activity is cleared in Act!' doesn't work, the activities in outlook still can be deleted which is cleared in ACT! after synchronized. |
GS-26 | LC - FR/CF - The Operator dropdown is untranslated when creating a Lookup |
GS-19 | Beta - APFW - Remote Database Synchronization is always disabled |
GS-18 | Outlook - Quick Attach "Action List" does not pop up, on Emails from Contacts NOT in Act! |
GS-48 | SDK - GetHistories on entity lacks null sorting overload |
GS-33 | LC - DE/FR/CF - Licensing - Wizard navigation buttons are untranslated |
GS-24 | AMA online check should not ping or |
GS-23 | LC - DE/FR/CF - APFW - Update button and information alt text is untranslated within Tools > Preferences > Activites |
GS-20 | AMA - EU - Assets Lead Form Telephone Number field is set to US format |
GS-12 | APFW - Error displays on log-on page as Async is not set to true in default.aspx |
GS-1469 | BETA - Unable to create new database fields as the dropdown list is blank |
GS-1246 | AMA does not load on APFW because of failed ping to |