Swiftpage is extending the Renewal Deferred Payment Program that was launched in March to assist Act! customers with their renewal payments during this challenging time. The program will remain in place through December 31, 2020.
If customers are unable to fulfill their standard renewal payment schedules, they should reach out to their resellers to udnerstand their options:
- 50% payment with renewal order & 50% deferred payment within 60 days
- On an approved, per customer, per partner basis
- Contract terms & financial commitments remain in place
- Failure to make second payment will result in cancellation at that time and forfeiture of funds for balance of remaining subscription service
This program will remain in place through December 31, 2020 and will then be re-evaluated and adjusted due to the economic climate at that time. For complete details on our payment options, please click HERE for our Payment Policies and HERE for details of our Refund Policy. For your convenience, all Keystroke bills can be paid online at www.keystroke.ca/payments.