Multi-Currency Support
For those quoting in multiple currencies, we've made some updates you will enjoy. Link2quotes will now calculate the foreign exchange amount in quoting products automatically for you, and support batch updating your quotes when the foreign exchange fluctuates.
For instance, Keystroke is a Canadian company buying Act! products in USD. We can now set the FX rate in Link2quotes, and the converted amount in CAD will automatically be calculated when we add a USD priced product to a CAD quote. So if we add Act! Premium Cloud, that costs $360 USD to a Canadian quote, it will display the line item as $489.60 CAD based on 1.36% FX rate.
- Learn more at If you quote in multiple currencies, you will love this Link2quotes update
New Tier of Link2forms
- We added a new tier to Link2forms called "Link2forms Lite". This tier is intended for small businesses that need only a single web form to capture contact data. Link2forms uses only contact fields, no questions, and has limited suppression and submission options, but costs only $96/year. This is just over half the Standard tier, and close to a third of the Team edition.
- You can read more about this new tier at
April 15th, 2024 - LINK2LIST
Scheduled List Scans
- To reduce API overhead during work hours, we've added support for scheduling scans on a one-time or recurring basis.
- We've also added to the Link2list list view the ability to download scan logs. This is an option for future scans only as support for scan logs had not previously been available.
April 29th, 2024 - LINK2QUOTES
New Quote Cover Page Feature
On Monday, April 29th, we'll be adding a feature that allows the inclusion of quote cover pages. The cover pages are customizable and will be visible within the HTML and PDF versions of the quote.
- the Configuration for this feature can be found under Settings -> Cover Pages
- the content is an HTML editor with support for inserting images anywhere in the text (external image URL and images from online storage are supported)
- placeholder text similar to the email template is supported as well. The option is located on the right of the bottom toolbar
- duplicate function for cover page in list view
- under quote editor, the cover page can be selected under the Quote Tab
- the cover page is rendered above the quote on the quote document. When printed it will be printed on its own page