Keystroke is pleased to announce that Act4outlook v4 now supports 64-bit versions of Office, which Microsoft has made the default installation for many months. Previously support for this bitness was blocked by the Act! Software Development Kit (SDK), but with Act! v22 new options are available, and we were able to compile all the functionality of the top selling add-on of all time into v4 that finally works with Office 64-bit.
As a recap, Act4outlook is the top selling Act! add-on of all time, with thousands of licenses sold in the 3+ years since it's been on the market. You can learn more about our many Act-Outlook integration products here, but the following list is a quick breakdown of the features that have made Act4outlook so popular:
- SUPERFAST HISTORY RECORDING: Send an email from Outlook, and it will be automatically attached to the matching record in Act! within a second. Act4outlook supports this feature even with Act! closed, and Act4mail doesn't even require Act! to be installed.
- COPY CONTACTS TO ACT!: Send Outlook contacts to Act! by simply right-clicking one or more contacts from your address book, and select "Send to Act!". Perfect when contacts are added to Outlook from sources like business card scanners or vcards.
- COPY TASKS TO ACT!: Send one or more tasks to Act! from your Outlook To-Do list that you create from either Outlook or your mobile device. IOS users can type countless reminders into their mobile devices, and then send them all to Act! with a couple of clicks of their mouse.
- COPY ACTIVITIES TO & FROM ACT!: Keep your Act! & Outlook calendars aligned! Send one or more activities to Act! from your Outlook calendar, or conversely, send activities in Act! to Outlook. Perfect for those invites that never make it to Act!, or appointments you create in one calendar, but not the other. Handy when using Siri, Alexa, or Google Assistant to create appointments, that can easily be transferred to Act!.
- REDUCE CALENDAR DUPES: Act4Outlook reduces duplication by keeping track of previously imported activities. If an activity is updated in Outlook with new data, simply re-send the activity to Act which will update the previously imported Act activity.
- CREATE CONTACTS & ACTIVITIES FROM EMAILS: Disable the Act-Outlook address book integration that so often slows down computers, and get all the functionality back with these two Act4 products. Right-click on an email to quickly convert it to a Contact or Activity quickly faster and with more options than the native Outlook integration of Act!
- INCOMING EMAIL HISTORY RECORDING: Act4Outlook can automatically record and link all incoming messages to the Act database as long as a Contact with the sender's email address is found in the database. Users can also enter one or more domain names to ignore so that any emails sent from those domains are not attached to the database.
- LINK TO ACT!: Link your email to additional Contacts, Companies, Groups, or Opportunities on the fly, so the History can be attached to more than just the email recipient.
- DO CONTACT LOOKUP IN ACT! FROM EMAILS: Select an email in your inbox, and click on "Go to Contact", and these two Act4 products will find the matching contact in your Act! database. To create a larger lookup in Act!, simply select multiple emails in Outlook, then right-click and select "Create lookup in Act!".