Since we released Act4outlook, we’ve been asked “will it work with web”. Act4outlook had, after all, become the #1 selling Act! add-on of all time in a few short years, so we understood the appeal, but the Act! WebAPI simply had not matured enough for us to build a feature rich version of Act4outlook to work with directly with hosted databases.
Act4outlook Web now works with Cloud databases
We’re happy to report that with the improvements made to Act! WebAPI by Swiftpage, we can (and have) developed a version of “Act4outlook Web” that dramatically improves the native Outlook integration with Act! Cloud databases. In fact, the Web and Windows versions of Act4outlook offer near 100% feature parity, with the exception of the “Go To Contact” option that is not supported by Web.
That said, the new Act4outlook Web has one notable advantage over it’s Windows counterpart, and that is support for 64-bit versions of Office. Since Act! v19, native support for Outlook integration has been available, but add-ons that relied on the SDK (Software Development Kit), were limited to 32-bit integration.
Since Act4outlook Web was built with the WebAPI, and not the SDK, it was able to support 64-bit version of Office immediately, which should come as a great relief to our users who’ve seen Microsoft recently change their default Office setup to 64-bit.
More importantly, Act! users with hosted databases or local ones using Act! ConnectLink, can now enable Act4outlook Web for optimal Outlook integration with 64-bit versions of Office. If you had a hosted database, but used a local RDB with your Windows version of Act!, you could use Act4outlook Web to bypass the local RDB and integrate directly with your web database.
The net effect of this configuration delivered reliable Outlook integration, with instant updates to the master database that no longer had to wait for users to sync their RDB.
However, this was not enough.
Act4mail adds full Outlook & Mail Merge integration for Premium Cloud
We wanted to take this WebAPI integration one step further, beyond Outlook, because many of our customers requested a more robust mailmerge solution for their Act! Cloud database, as well. Whether you’re looking to merge well designed templates to email or print, the native tools within Act! were often not powerful enough to meet the needs of our customers. They wanted more.
Enter Act4mail.
Act4mail is a bundling of Act4outlook Web, and our newly developed MailMerge Web into a single subscription product available for only $4/month/user. This new light application installs into your Windows workstation, and features the same publisher you’ve come to love with Act! Premium Plus or MailMerge4act. It is flexible enough to design beautiful HTML documents, and powerful enough to integrate any contact field in your Act! Cloud database.
Special Early Bird Offer
More information on Act4mail will be revealed in the coming weeks as it completes the final stages of internal and external beta testing, but for those that want to jump in and start working with Act4outlook Web, which we’ve had on the market for a few months, we have a special offer. Anyone subscribing to Act4outlook Web before Act4mail is official released sometime in October will receive an upgrade to Act4mail at no extra cost. To be clear, you will receive an upgrade to Act4mail for the same cost as what you currently pay for Act4outlook Web, which is HALF the cost.