Keystroke is pleased to announce that DataLogic of Cleveland Ohio, a long time authorized Act! Hosting Provider, has agreed to transfer the balance of their Act! hosting customers over to our management. The transfer date was effective December 18, 2017, with all customers migrated the previous weekend.
Needless to say, we’re proud of the trust this esteemed company has placed in our services, and we look forward to proving worthy of it.
DataLogic has been a leader in the Act! hosting community for over a decade, with them at one time being Swiftpage’s preferred hosting provider for all their cloud customers.
However, as Swiftpage transitioned this service back in-house two years ago, the management team at DataLogic started to focus more on software development – specifically on an exciting quoting solution they plan to bring to market soon.
To make a true go of this new endeavour, DataLogic knew they had to focus all their efforts on their new software product, and this meant divesting themselves of all unrelated business interests. It was this decision that lead them to reach out to us to begin discussing this exciting transition.
The choice of Keystroke was a natural one, since DataLogics was already using Keystroke to provide Level 2 & 3 technical support to their hosting clients. We expect these familiar faces to provide a comforting continuity during this transition, and for the years to come.