It's been a while since I looked at a New Year with such optimism. My family is healthy, my business continues to grow, and we have a number of exciting personal and professional initiatives planned for the year ahead.
My wife likes to tease me for my "insufferable optimism", but the truth is I have always had faith that things will work out, and they generally have. This has not come from wishing, but from planning. working hard, and adapting as life unfolds.
Keep what works, change what doesn’t, and always look forward
This conviction served us well earlier this year when we lost a number of key members of our team. No one panicked, we just made adjustments, hired carefully, and stayed committed to their success. The result was that we finished the year with an increase in both revenue & gross profit, and a triple-digit increase in net profit.
I generally don't feel qualified to dispense advice, but let me say this. The coming year may bring with it some challenges, but never lose faith that you have the will and ability to overcome them. Optimism isn't about thinking that it will never rain, optimism is the belief you can deal with the rain when it comes. To believe otherwise is to trust your fate to chance - and chance is fickle.
Happy New Year to all.